College is a great time to start reading the Bible. This is a time where you are entering into adulthood, which means as you start becoming more mature so can your relationship with God. The responsibilities that come with being in college and being an adult really presents an opportunity to depend on God. And in order to depend on God, you have to know Him first. To accomplish this, God had given us an excellent tool: The Bible. But I realize that reading the Bible for the first time can be intimidating to some. Over the past week, I have had two different conversations with two different people who both said that they didn’t know how to begin reading the Bible. They attempted to read the Bible multiple times, but it never stuck. I had a similar issue about two years. In this post, I will discuss ways to start reading the Bible that helped me.
Start with the Gospel
I think a lot of people (me included) probably make the mistake of starting with Genesis. The book is important, but it can definitely be hard to follow. Instead, start with the Gospel. The Gospel is the first four books of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This is a great place to start because, along with it being easier to understand, these books tell the story of Jesus Christ who is the ultimate example for Christians to follow.
Highlight and Label
When I read the Bible, I like to mark the parts that stand out to me. Then, I’ll tab these sections with post-it notes. I tend to label the tabs with a word or two describing what the verses address (i.e. forgiveness, judgement, strength, trusting God, etc.) Then, when I need guidance on those areas, I can easily look to scripture. The tabs are also helpful when my time is limited but I still want to read the Bible. Like if I wake up late in the morning, I will read over the verses I tabbed before I have to start getting ready.
Make Time
Making time to read the Bible is something I, personally, struggle with. I know how difficult it can be to dedicate extra time away from other priorities like homework or work. But when I do make a habit of reading scripture, I feel so much more at peace in my life. I find it helpful to be aware of breaks usually taken up by social media (or other unhealthy habits) and replace those with Bible readings. You can also make time by waking up just 15 minutes earlier or going to bed 15 minutes later.